Aquaculture R&D Program coordinator

JOB Title:   Aquaculture R&D Program coordinator

i.Description of the Job

The Aquaculture R&D Program coordinator, in cooperation with the JFRC Director, and under the supervision of the Director General of Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture,  will have the following duties and responsibilities.


• Understand the scope and operation requirements of existing projects and programs
• Support the design and operational development of new projects and programs,
• Provide suggestions for the improved collaboration of the various projects and programs
• Understand the key JFRC operation challenges and transform them into proposals and process/technical suggestions.
• Identify key areas for JFRC’s infrastructure upgrading to meet the requirements of existing and potential projects.  
• Ensure the efficient and effective use of the human and financial resources of JFRC
• Support the marine fish hatchery team with technical and operational support
• Assist in the development of operational guidelines, instructions, SOP’s etc, based on the results of the various projects and programs
• Identify potential bottlenecks for the projects and programs undertaken in JFRC and provide recommendations for the effective mitigation of these bottlenecks.
• Provide training and capacity building support


Remuneration: The position comes with a highly competitive compensation and secondary benefits package, based on experience and profile of the candidate. 

DEADLINE for applications: 28th February 2019

For more details concerning  the job  posting and how to apply  please find attached the vacancy announcement

 Vacancy Announcement 

Apply for a job online 


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