Senior Aquaculture Specialist - Shrimp Hatchery expert


JOB Title:   Senior Aquaculture Specialist - Shrimp Hatchery expert

i.Description of the Job

The main duties of the Senior Aquaculture Specialist include:

  • Organization and management of the Shrimp Hatchery in JFRC and its daily operations.
  • Organization and management of the L. vanammei SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) research project in JFRC.
  • Program budgeting, design and implementation of the research work plan (for SPF program).
  • Provision of scientific guidance, technical support and training to the SPF Technical Team.

Remuneration: A highly competitive compensation and benefits package is offered, based on experience and profile of the candidate

For more details concerning  the job  posting and how to apply  please find attached the vacancy announcement

 Vacancy Announcement 

Apply for a job online 



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